Define what you really want in your business and personal life. Transform blind spots into better choices and greater confidence. Free yourself to cultivate cre...
You are the master of your story. You came here on purpose to make money from your highest gifts, to rise triumphantly above every loss you’ve suffered ...
You are invited to participate in an extraordinary business development experience with an intimate group of dynamic women. ...
The #1 way to create rapport and emotional connection is to become a GREAT storyteller. It’s one of the most powerful communication tools to grow your b...
Linkedin has been supporting its users for a longer time period than Facebook - the largest social networking site in the world today....
Building Effective Teams! Being passionate about your work can provide an example for others to follow. People won’t be able to believe in you until you...
Strategy and Coaching Program! Today Sandra is sharing her tips to customer retention. Partner these tips with customer growth, and you are on the right track ...
Watch the success story of Million Dollar Women which proves that no matter what obstacle stands in the way of achieving your goals, you can always overcome it....