3pulsefitness2019-01-210Health 00

This is most commonly an issue with men approaching women and then without any invitation, proceeding to tell them ways to improve their technique to make the e...

4pulsefitness2019-01-210Health 00

I want to get healthy! Ok but how? What are you going to do different this year then last year? Did you try doing it on your own last year? And you plan on that...

5pulsefitness2019-01-190Health 00

A Fitness Coach is a professional! They didn’t get their certification over a three day weekend in the Yucca Room at a Holiday Inn Express....

3pulsefitness2019-01-190Health 00

In leaving weights and/or equipment out on the floor, you broadcast to the gym that you are not only incredibly lazy but also that you don’t care enough ...

4pulsefitness2019-01-070Health 10

If you want to get the most out of your training, tell your coach. Start by having a conversation with coach, letting them know you’re willing to put in ...

4pulsefitness2019-01-070Health 00

As a whole, we at Pulse try to take our small group training clients through a series of training phases to provide variety and enhance results....

4pulsefitness2018-12-310Health 00

As a result, your body needs time to recover and restore some of these energy supplies prior to your next bout of exercise in gyms in Scottsdale....

4pulsefitness2018-12-310Health 00

Following their workout the next two days group 1 participated in their active recovery sessions, which consisted of physical activity and dynamic stretching at...



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