I read a statistic recently that indicated there were nearly 37,000 health clubs/Marketing For Fitness Businesses centers in the United States alone....
You’re not crazy. You ARE being followed…around the Internet, that is, based upon your search history....
it is perfectly set up for an initial interaction with a prospect because it is always working, regardless of the time of day....
Reviews let potential customers know that others enjoy spending time at the gym and using the fitness services there....
Here are 5 Go-To Methods I recommend to all of my consulting clients to ensure their gym is around longer than it took to build it out....
if you’re letting the other 98% get away without purchasing anything, you are leaving a LOT of money on the table, and not yours....
My next post will discuss where you can most likely find your core audience to determine the best way to get their attention....
When you look at companies with the best brand recognition and perceived value, their product names become synonymous with the product themselves. ...