Prebiotics is a kind of fibre that human body is unable to digest. They serve as food for microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast in probiotics....
Vegan Food is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. ...
Almonds can help to maintain a healthy heart and healthy cholesterol levels which increase the growth of almond ingredient products. ...
An oral vaccine is one that is taken by mouth, instead of being injected directly into the blood. ...
Wireless chargers recharge devices without the use of physically connected electric cables. The need to carry chargers for various devices has reduced with the ...
A Smoothies is a blended and sometimes sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit, vegetables and, in special cases...
Corn oil is mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids and has low content of saturated fats. ...
Face makeup refers to a subset of cosmetics which are applied for concealing imperfections of the facial skin including pores, dark spots, wrinkles, freckles a...